Citește articolul Tears of blood

Scris de: -Cont_sters
Vizualizări: 392
BBCode: [url=/articol/id/429-tears-of-blood]Tears of blood[/url]
Tears of blood fall from my broken heart ♥ .. I never thought we would be apart

When you held me you said *forever*.. Now that you*re gone I know you meant never

Saying you love me with that look in your eye ... And that was a cold hearted lie

Your tender touch, a soft kiss Two things about you I will miss

As I sit here thinking about you .... My face is wet with tears past due

I should*ve cried a long time ago ..... But I loved you so

I know they say love ♥ is blind ...... But I had only you on my mind

A hurt so deep it cuts like a knife ... But wounds heal and I*ll go on with my life
Nota: 10
Puncte: 40
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"Soarele strălucește, ne încălzește și ne luminează, iar noi nu suntem deloc curioși de ce se întâmplă asta; cu toate acestea, încercăm să găsim explicația răului, durerii, foamei, țânțarilor și a oamenilor proști."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~