Citește articolul Stay becouse you want to stay

Scris de: -Kiwi
Vizualizări: 422
BBCode: [url=/articol/id/921-stay-becouse-you-want-to-stay]Stay becouse you want to stay[/url]
Glad you like it. Very nice of you to say so. Here you go... Small vs. Big...
Big’s a big wig in a big leather chair in a big gig.
Small sits on a stool. Small’s nobody’s fool.
Big trips over small
Big’s an opinion
Small is a hunch
Big’s at a corporate lunch. Small has a sandwich
Small saves.Small raves
After Big’s fleeting greeting he’s soon back in a board meeting
Small holds your hand
Small’s your biggest fan
Small’s in the band
Big talks big talk
Someone can take a walk
Small whispers
Small listens
Says thank you
Says please
While bigs bigging it up like the big cheese
Small’s light on its feet
Small knows the street
Small’s where it’s at
Small’s got your back
Big’s all small print
All routine
Big’s all wafer and no ice cream
Small stands by
Small waves hi
Big says stop
You cannot go
The computer says no
Small smiles
Says hey, come round and play
Stay, because you want to stay
Nota: 10
Puncte: 40
Voturi 4
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"Soarele strălucește, ne încălzește și ne luminează, iar noi nu suntem deloc curioși de ce se întâmplă asta; cu toate acestea, încercăm să găsim explicația răului, durerii, foamei, țânțarilor și a oamenilor proști."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~