Citește Biblia KJ Psalms capitolul 44
21. Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.
22. Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.
23. Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise, cast us not off for ever.
24. Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and forgettest our affliction and our oppression?
25. For our soul is bowed down to the dust: our belly cleaveth unto the earth.
26. Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercies' sake.
meniu prim"Găsesc televizorul foarte educațional. De fiecare dată când cineva dă drumul la televizor, mă duc in cealalta cameră și citesc o carte.”
~ Groucho Marx ~